Hi, I’m Christina!

It is strange to write about myself but easy to talk about photography. With every day passing by in the blink of an eye, I am eternally thankful that I have quality photos documenting our family’s past highlights - beginning with our engagement, through our wedding, to my pregnancy, on to our precious children’s births and milestones (even now I am looking forward to future birthdays, holidays, graduations…). I count my photos as a treasured record of the passing of time and most importantly our story.

I love my life as a wife and a mother of two (three if you count our dog Lola). It is that fullness of life, happiness and purpose that reignited my photography passion. I have been passionate about taking pictures for as long as I can remember. As a little girl, my most prized possession was this little blue Fisher Price “film” camera that my brother handed down to me. I snapped photos of everything! Rolls and rolls of film accumulated in the hopes that one day they would be seen. Fast forward to now, technology has made capturing images both accessible and mainstream; Digital cameras revolutionized photography. Totally unimaginable twenty years ago was a future where anybody and everybody would use their phone to snap a picture and see the images instantly. There are tons and tons of pictures “on the cloud” but it is universally understood that quantity does not equal quality. Professional photography does mean quality.

With my camera and myriad of cool lenses, I am able to produce quality images. I would describe my look as joyful, bright, and airy. There are lots of camera settings that I will adopt, often in a moment’s notice during a shoot, to produce those nuances that significantly enhance a raw image. I also personally edit images for the additional artistic opportunity. In editing, I will choose the best possible digital file and optimize it according to the spirit of the shoot. It is a big time commitment but being my own editor positively affects the final results and I want it as accurate and perfect as possible.

 I know life is priceless, time finite and memories a gift. I believe an investment in photos is a way to share your story with those you love both present and future. My mission is to make exceptional photos that are irreplaceable. It would be my absolute pleasure to be your photographer and capture the images you will cherish as much as I treasure mine.